• Participants are required to carry their college ID cards and Bonafide certificate (use the same format shared with this invitation) at the time of registration
  • Members of the participating team must belong to the registered college
  • Registration fee is Rs 200/- per participant. Online registration as well as Spot registration is also entertained
  • On-Spot Registrations will get closed by 10.00 A.M on 29.04.2022
  • Registration Fee once paid will not be refundable or adjustable under any circumstances
  • One participant can participate in any number of events
  • Lunch will be provided to all the participants
  • Participants must strictly adhere to general rules of the institution and misbehavior of any kind will lead to disqualification of the team from the event
  • Participants are strictly advised to take care of their personal belongings. Organizers will not be held responsible for any damage/ loss/theft
  • The decision of the jury and event coordinators will be final and binding in all the events
  • NOTE: Vulgarity of any kind in the events will lead to disqualification.


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